Sunday, March 5, 2023

Day - 5 Transplant

Even though I had to get up and shower at 5am ... I slept so good from my shower at 11pm last night. Sleep & rest is so important! I had a bit of a sad ... moment yesterday, I was really missing my dogs, my sister Maddy sent me some videos of them which helped. Child life actually went and got me this Snoopy (Snoop Dog) to hold during my 48 hour Thiotepa ... I will have to throw Snoop Dog away because I'm so toxic at the moment. (Queue Britney Spears .... TOXIC) but at least I can hold something during this time. Right at 8am I started Fludarabine over an hour, then Cyclcophoshamide over 2 hours. I am definitely more tried today for sure. But I just pushed myself to do 3 laps around the BMT unit. 

These chemos are kicking my butt. It's a bit different for me because I don't have 'cancer.' People who have cancer are a little more used to getting chemo, I have only recieved blood for the last 20 years, so this conditioning therapy is hard. On a side note, I've had really bad psoriasis for years, and it's going away completely ... because they are destroying my immune system.

YAY for my last Thiotepa shower .... I can finally wear normal clothes and be touched again. I tried my best to get some laps in, I did 6 total today with a hgb of 8.9 ... not too bad. At least I did some. Our family friends sent a bunch of gifts for me, thank you Potts & Sanders family for thinking of me. Love you guys so much. 

Day -5 ... taking a rest with the blanket my Grannie made me. I love it Grannie, they are all my shirts from throughout the years for Be the Match, donating blood via Vitalnt, Taylor Swift concert ... etc. So cool, I love it. 

Again, I am so blessed to have so many people praying for me. My mom helps me read all the encouraging messages on instagram (that is where I am most active.)  It is so neat to see that people from all over the world are cheering me on, and most importantly praying for me. God is with Me.

I am literally holding tight to Jesus through this process...

Matthew 11:28-30 - 'Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.' 

My Affirmations I try to say every morning as I start my day ... I hope they help you too. 


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