Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mia's 131st Blood Transfusion

Mia finally feels better after #131 ...bless her sweet heart. Thank you blood donors for helping her be on this earth for another few weeks. We could never say thank you enough for taking the time out of your day to donate blood. 

Our family doesn't know what we'd do without Mia.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Toy Delivery

Look at these sweet girls...ready to deliver Mia's request (in lieu of gifts for her birthday, donate toys to the hospital toy closet) for the children at Cardon Children's Medical Center. There were so many toys donated...thank you SO much!! We hope it brings smiles to children going through rough times. 

We happened to see Molly the Therapy dog, back from her summer vacation. We love her...she's so sweet and loves visiting people in the hospital. We ruff you Molly!!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Good Blood

If you haven't seen this must!! The creators did such a great job with this video, and they are truly raising awareness for Be The Match, bone marrow transplants, and #GoodBlood!! We love it. Our hope and prayer is that one day Mia will be healed, either remission (God's healing hand) or through a bone marrow transplant via Be The Match. (None of Mia's 3 sisters are a sibling match to her which has better survival rates.) We will never give up hope...and we will never cease to pray. God can do anything...and if Mia is not healed in this life, she will be healed when she meets Jesus in heaven. Amen!!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Zendaya's Birthday Wish

#tbt - 2 years ago today...Mia got to meet Zendaya in the JJ&R studio after her 100th party at the hospital. They invited her to come when Zendaya would be there. SO cool!! If you've never seen her in person, she's so tall! Mia and Zendaya share September as their birthday month. Zendaya wants people to help her with a goal for her birthday...please consider helping her!

We are always looking for ways to GIVE BACK - and this is a great way you can help! We hope Zendaya reaches her goal. 

Thank you Zendaya for being an example to kids today to not think about themselves but others who are fighting whatever it is they are going through. #GIVEBACK

Click Here to see when Mia was in the studio with Zendaya. 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Mia's 13th Birthday!

Happy birthday Mia...and happy birthday to her nurse Miss Christine! What a great day to be Birthday Buddies! Miss Christine has been Mia's nurse since Mia was 2 months old. We are super blessed because of her. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Never Ending Doctor Appointments

If Mia is not getting labs done, then she's getting other medical stuff done. At least she does it all with a smile!! Mia has other health issues besides the life threatening it's a constant balance with it all. Thank goodness for awesome doctors who take care of all these chronic kiddos who need their expertise. If you think of Mia, please pray for her growth and that her growth plates will still allow her some time to grow. Thank you!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Mia's 100th Party at the Hospital

We can't believe it's been two years since Mia's 100th Blood Transfusion Party at Cardon Children's Medical Center!! On September 8, 2013 many of our family, friends, and hospital crew gathered to celebrate Mia surviving 100 transfusions to keep her alive, all thanks to amazing and generous blood donors. Anything 100 is a milestone...and we just could not do nothing, We talked about doing something for Mia that year before. Of course we have amazing friends who bent over backwards to help make this awesome...(Kelly, Melinda, Kim, & Brooke!) I will never for get your kindness in helping with all the donations etc. WOW! It was awesome. 

CLICK HERE to see how the day went.  

CLICK HERE to see the awesome 'cup song' Mia's nurses made up for her. We love them, they are SO sweet to do that for her...Mia loves her Music therapy because  #MusicHeals!!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Be The Match

Over the weekend, there was a huge Be The Match drive at the Chandler Mall. These girls helped out on Sunday trying to get people to sign up to save a life by a simple cheek swab. Mia's little sis Madi did a GREAT job. Mia didn't feel very good but managed to say thank you to a few people signing up. Please Click Here to see how you can potentially save a life!! Let's #FindMiaAMatch / oh and they love to watch Ellen after school because she cracks us up and she is very kind to others and helps them, Mia would love to share her story with her one day. You never know?!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Mia's 130th Blood Transfusion

Guess who came with Mia to her 130th blood transfusion...big sister Alyssa. She was there to hold Mia's hand for her IV start which she rocked, of course.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Childhood cancer sucks. It's the worst, especially when you watch your friends pass away from it at a young age. Mia's best hospital buddy Layla was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma when she was little. She fought really hard and was super brave...she passed away in her sleep when God took her home. Mia and Layla always seemed to be in the hospital at the same they played a lot together. You can read more about how we honored Mia's friend Layla (click here) We want you to #GOGOLD for the month of September and all kids who have passed away and who are currently fighting for their lives. You can read more about Layla by visiting her caring bridge...and you can walk run with us at the September Champ 5K - # TeamMia - we are hosting a blood drive and bone marrow drive to help save lives as well. #BeBoldGoGold - You will never be forgotten Layla!!