Monday, February 25, 2019

Blood Drive @ Santan Jr. High

Hi everyone, it’s Mia here! Today I got the opportunity to visit a blood drive held in my name at my old junior high school. The reason this meant so much to me is that these faces I was able to see today were sharing life.
I love shopping and hanging out with friends, family, and my dogs. I feel thankful each time I receive a blood transfusion and get to renew the opportunity to do these things for one month more.
There are many others that are blessed by blood donations in the same way, and I sincerely say thank you to everyone who takes a morning, afternoon, lunch break, etc., out of their day to extend the lives of others like me!
#DonateBlood #GiveBlood #SaveaLife #blessedtobehere

Friday, February 15, 2019

Transfusion #185

Thankfully looking forward to another 3 weeks of life! { Because of generous blood donors } some small victories todayincluded - the IV poke was super easy and I didn’t need a warmer on my arm, I didn’t take a benedryl nap even though I had benedryl, and we watched high school musical on a DVD player for old times sake! Also ... I received 2 units of A- blood...which is pretty rare but awesome! Feeling thankful - Mia ❣️ #DonateBlood #GiveBlood #DonateLife #HospitalLife #GiftofLife #GodisGood #prayers #chronicillness  #invisibleillness #DonateMarrow #BeTheMatch #bannerhealth #Kindness #Transfusion #Anemia #NeedaCure #CureDBA #Hope #Happy #beablooddonor #AlwaysSmiling #Pray4Mia #sweetgirl #SherriHill #ChronicallyFabulous #Match4Mia #MiasMarrow #MesaAZ #AZ #nevergiveup