Happy New Year from Newport Beach California!!! One of Mia's favorite places ever!
Mia Has Had 247 Blood Transfusions
Please Donate Blood and Save a Life just like Mia's. Without Blood donors, Mia would not be here today.
Mia Says...Thank You!
Without you donating blood, I would not be alive today. You are simply a hero for saving a life.
Mia's Only Hope for a Cure - Be The Match
Unless God heals Mia, A Bone Marrow Transplant via Be The Match could potentially cure Mia. Currently Mia does not have a perfect match. Please click here to see how YOU could be a cure to someone like Mia. It takes 10 minutes to possibly #SaveALife
Gimmie Your Cheeks!
Did you know that if you are reading this...YOU could be someone's cure to a blood cancer?! Join the Be The Match registry to potentially save a life!
Mia Has Lived with DBA Her Whole Life
'A cheerful heart is good medicine.' Proverbs 17:22
Caring Bridge
Before there were blogs there was Caring Bridge / Follow Mia's Journey
Mia really would like to meet Taylor Swift!
Oh and her 3 sisters too...a mom can hope. Mia loves music therapy in the hospital. #MusicHeals #BadBlood
Mia & Sisters Meet Taylor Swift!
Best night ever, Mia and sisters got to say hi to Taylor swift at her Reputation tour in 2018!