Mia and Mom were invited to the
75th Anniversary United Blood Services Luncheon
for all the Blood Drive Coordinators on February 16th 2018
as guest speakers. Little sis Maddie and Dad went as well.
We shared our story...
me as a mom of Mia's diagnosis
(She wouldn't remember because she was so little)
and Mia shared how she lives with DBA.
Mia is WAY better at public speaking than me!
Mia is a natural...
I wrote a poem to blood donors...
after all, numerous people combined have helped sustain
Mia's life for 15 years.
I can't believe I was able to read it without crying.
To GOD be the glory.
Ode to Blood Donors
There are some very special heroes in this world, and they don’t even realize the impact they’ve made.
People of all kinds, taking the time, to not let other lives fade.
To you it might seem simple, easy, no big deal at all.
To me, it’s saving my daughter’s life, so that I’ll never watch her fall.
High schoolers, teachers, church goers, even complete strangers…
Help keep all patients alive who need blood and be kept out of danger.
When you donate blood, you are giving an extra minute, hour, and day,
it lets me relish the moments of watching my little girl learn, thrive, & play.
The memories mean the most, another birthday, a warm day at the beach,
Without an army of blood donors, these memories wouldn’t be in reach.
From your arm you freely give her medicine,
which is the precious gift of life,
It truly is the only thing keeping Mia around, free from any strife.
What would I do without you blood donors, strangers that I don’t know?
Without your loving kindness, I couldn’t watch her grow.
You’re more than a hero you see, blood donor, you’re a real true life saver.
There’s nothing more I could ask of you, ok maybe just one small little favor.
Tell everyone you know how simple and easy saving a life can surely be,
To get the word out about donating blood is my one loudest & dearest plea.
A life without blood donors would be devastating in the most worse possible way,
I’m hopeful that with all your help, I will never have to experience that day.
Saying ‘thank you’ just isn’t enough for me to truly analyze and express,
How grateful I am for your gift of life, I know I am truly blessed.
I am indebted to you for the rest of my life and it’s sad I can’t repay,
Just know you are thought of dearly & are thanked each night when I pray.
I’ve heard all the classic excuses in the world on why someone can’t come and donate,
What if your child or loved one needed blood and the outcome determined their fate?
‘I don’t like needles,’ is a phrase we commonly all to often hear…
‘suck it up’ Mia says ‘or my life will disappear.’
I simply can’t go to the store or pharmacy and pick up what she needs,
Unless you share your life by giving your arm and freely let it bleed.
It’s not just blood to me you see, it’s a way of sustaining a soul.
Without your generous donation my heart would not be whole.
Blood donors you are my hero even though you do not wear a cape,
I’m so thankful for each and everyone of you, every color, size, and shape.
Lets not forget about the coordinators who host the actual drive,
You’re ensuring patients like Mia live and stay alive.
Without your dedication and hard work, humanity wouldn’t be the same,
If I could, I would reach out to all of you and thank you each by name.
Together we can raise awareness of how important donations remain,
Just think of all the lives saved, and how much these patients have to gain.
Living life, another breath, blood donors, that’s what you voluntarily give…
Thank you from the bottom of my heart so that my daughter continues to live.
If you’re ready to take the next step to help save a life don’t hesitate or be nervous,
Instead just pick up the phone and call the great United Blood Service. (877-ubs-hero)
This was definitely the 'SUCK IT UP' part...
If you are afraid of needles...honestly ask yourself,
who likes them?
Do you think Mia likes them??
Get over yourself.
You can help save someones LIFE by a simple little...poke.
That is the most unbelievable excuse I've ever heard.
I love you Mia...I would do anything for you to help
keep you alive.
Little sis Madison joined us on stage with a box of
life savers...to hand out
So Mia...all those time I went to medical records...we have a
surprise for you.
You get to actually MEET some people who saved your life...
shared their life with ou so that you can live.
Oh Heyyyyyy blood donors who saved my life...
Oh well mom lost it...I mean how can you not cry and hug the
people who saved your daughters life??
Be sure to click on this awesome 12 NEWS story
about Mia meeting her blood donors.
World, meet some of Mia's Blood Donors that have kept her alive
for over 15 years!