Friday, March 30, 2018

Mia's 170th Blood Transfusion

It's Good Friday today and we cannot help but think
of how symbolic it is to be recieving a life saving
blood transfusion today, on Good Friday. Jesus donated
His blood for us 2,000 years ago on the cross...
'by His wounds, you are healed.' 1 Peter 2:24 

Thankful for such a sweet surprise by Dree...a nursing student 
and dear friend who brought Mia a Dutch Bros!
Thanks so much!

Friday, March 9, 2018

Mia's 169th Blood Transfusion

Ever since Mia's first reaction to a blood product last
December, they pre-medicate her with a lot of
Benedryl ... which within 5 minutes makes 
her sleep during most of her infusion.

Sweet girl!

She woke up just in time to play HQ Trivia!

Looking good Mia, not you will be 
ready for Spring Break!
Thank you to the selfless people who donate blood
to keep Mia and others who need life saving transfusions
alive, we appreciate you so much!