Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas 2016

Thanks to blood donors, Mia was able to celebrate Christmas with 
her family and sisters in California at Uncle Paul's house.
She had a great time!

Hanging out in the tiki room is one of Mia's favorite things to 
do at her Uncle's house...

Especially if her sisters are with her...on Christmas!

Mia loves the beach...if we could somehow move her there, it would be
so good for her spirit.

Even with low blood counts, she enjoys it so much and seems
to last longer between transfusions.

May God help us to find a match for her in the new year...
join us in praying for Mia.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Be The Match - PTAChandler

Mia braved the cold on Saturday from 9-2pm to help
with the Be The Match booth at a flag football game.

We were hoping to get a lot of people to sign 
up to help potentially save lives this Christmas season.

We had a handful...and were really hoping for at least 10 people
to join the marrow registry.

Thank you  to Pastor Tyler Johnson for signing up...
and to his wife Hayley for signing up below!

Awesome job to the volunteers who sat in the cold to get a 
few cheeks swabs.

We were hoping for 10, and we got it!!
Thank you so much for being our 10th person to 
register for Be The Match!!
You could potentially save a life just like Mia's.

The tournament collected all these toys for Mia's hospital...there were so many, 
what a great problem to have!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Mia's 149th Blood Transfusion

Mia is feeling better thanks to 2 different generous
blood she received 2 units of red blood cells to live 
for the next  3 weeks.

We had some visitors...lots of news crews to hear about Mia's story.
There's always a shortage of blood in the month of December,
and it's critical that patients like Mia gt the blood they need to survive. 
The best gift you can give this Christmas:
-Donate your Blood so others can live.-

Click link to see what Mia had to say to Bryan West at 12 News!

Mia told Anita from Fox 10 that people should 'suck it up' and donate blood!!

3TV came as well as CBS5

Cardon Children's had a lovely visit from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
who brought MAJOR toys and gifts for all the kids currently in the hospital.
We went up to the 7th floor and Mia picked out a game and a nerf blaster
to get her sisters and uncle's good!! haha

The day got BETTER. Who knew you could go outside and see
horses when you're in the hospital! 
Mia actually rides horses so this was perfect for her.


Merry Christmas!!
Mia is surely blessed to be able to have another Christmas
with her family thanks to blood donors!
Thank you SO much.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

After Mia's doctor appointment, we stopped by
Highland High School to say thanks to the students,
parents, and teachers for taking the time to donate blood.
Mia's blood counts were actually very low (8.4 hgb)
so we didn't stay long.

The theme was cute!
Mia loves surfing in California.

Hang 10 and Save 3 Lives!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

We are thankful for blood donors this Thanksgiving.

Mia is certainly thankful for them...

Her sisters are thankful too that she can celebrate with them.

Mia even got to hike this Thanksgiving weekend!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Mia's 148th Transfusion

Hemoglobin 8.4 - not feeling good. Tired, pale...needs blood to survive.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Re-Type via Be The Match

We started our day off with a special treat from Starbucks before
heading down to the University Medical Center in Tucson.
Diamond Children's is the medical center for kids in the
hospital there...which is so ironic that Mia has:
Diamond Blackfan Anemia

Always have HOPE - Never GIVE UP!


This is Mia's blood draw that will determine if 
somewhere in this world she
has a bone marrow match that could potentially cure her.
They said we should know in about 2 weeks...
which lands us at Thanksgiving,
Please pray for us.

Momma McP & Mia at Diamond Children's Medical Center

A letter from NY - from Helping Little Heroes.
Couldn't have come at a better time.
Prayer Request:
Please pray for our family no matter what the outcome. 
It is in God's hands.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Trick or Treat!

Living Life on Halloween thanks to blood donors!
#DonateBlood #GiveBlood #SaveaLife

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Mia Helps Make A Wish - Hamilton Vs. Chandler

Mia was asked to be a Make A Wish representative 'wish kid' to accept a check
 that Hamilton High School and Chandler High School raised
in a competition to see what school could raise the most money...
combined the schools raised $4,930.92 !!!
Wow, great job students and parents!

Mia was the perfect wish kid ambassador for such a special
occasion...Go Mia!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Mia's 147th Transfusion

Feeling MUCH better...and loving her new Sherri Hill
shirt from Prevue Formal and Bridal in San Diego California.
Thank you for thinking of Miss Mia Steve and Caitlin <3

Mia LOVES Sherri Hill!!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Mia's 146th Transfusion

September is childhood cancer awareness month, and Mia got to hang out with her little buddy Audrey who just kicked cancer's butt!! GO Audrey!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Birthday Blessings

Mia is 14 years old...thanks to blood donors.

Our family could never say thank you enough for keeping
this girl alive. She is a blessing to us...

You can't go wrong with girls and shopping for a birthday!

Oregano's for dinner -yes please! Mia's favorite.
Sisters love Mia!!

Happy Birthday Mia!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

September Champ

Our 2nd annual September Champ 5K -
in honor of childhood cancer awareness month.

Of course we have to help out at the United Blood Services
booth...we love them so much. They literally help keep Mia alive!

We love our Be The Match peeps too...SO much!

We love the AZ Ghostbusters too...they are awesome and have come
to Mia's blood drives before as well.

Hmmmm....which booth to help out at?!

Mia and Brianne - both Survivors!

We love when Mia's friends come to support her!

And her 5th grade teacher / DJ / Johnny Rox!