Thursday, August 29, 2019

Blood Transfusion #194

Not much to say ... Mia took a great Benadryl nap all morning.

Mia and her nurse Miss Christine share a birthday.
It was always meant to be that she was our nurse!
What a special bond to have someone care for you for over
17's amazing!

If you would like to donate to Mia’s teen project to go towards gift cards 
For teens ... you can click the link below.
Thank you so much! 

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cardinals 50/50 Raffle for Be The Match

Mia and family was asked to help with the 50/50 Raffle 
for Be The Match at one of the preseason Cardinals game.
We had SO much fun!

Mia and her sister helped with selling the raffle tickets.

They also got some sweet seats and were able to watch the
Cardinals warm up.

We helped to raise about $23,000. for patients like Mia who need 
a bone marrow transplant for a cure.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

#193 Blood Transfusion

Today we had 2 IV's for blood and one
for desferral which rids the body of the extra iron 
it gets during transfusions. We are always trying to help her
heart and liver not to be overloaded with iron.
It causes death.
So 2 IV's today it is!