What a fund morning of talking to VolunTEENS at Dignity Health / Mercy Gilbert Hospital
about the importance of donating blood. Mia knows first hand that she would not be alive
without people taking the time to donate blood.
Mia and her United Blood Services buddy Sharon work so well together!
GO Mia and Sharon!
A little Teen Jeopardy to see if they were listening, haha!
These amazing teen volunteers will go on to change the world!
We are so happy to have met them!
We know Omar will go on to do some amazing things in the medical field.
Nice to meet you Garrette!
When you are on a poster...you have to stop and take a pic.
Hey that's me!
Mia holding a blown up photo of her when she spoke at Highland High School's pep assembly
to encourage all the kids to donate blood!
Mia with Jeanette and Sharon, whom we love dearly.
We are beyond blessed wot have these ladies work so hard
to make sure the Arizona blood supply is stocked and ready
to go for patients like Mia.
Thank you SO much!