Thursday, September 19, 2019

Mia's 17th Birthday!

When you donate are giving someone a chance 
at living life. To experience things you may take for granted. 
Mia and family are so thankful to many generous strangers who
take the time to keep her alive.
How could you say thank you enough for that?!

Have fun at Homecoming - thanks to blood donors!

Mia's 17th Birthday - at the Hospital - 195th blood transfusion!

Happy 17th Birthday Mia - she spent her actual birthday at the
hospital receiving her 195th blood transfusion.

In honor of her special day...
Mia and her birthday twin and special nurse - Miss Christine - 
collected gift cards for teens in the hospital.
They received over $1,000. to buy gift cards
so teens can get a special surprise after treatments.
We have a wonderful toy closet for children but
teens (including Mia) don't go in there because they don't 
pick out toys.

Hey Dad!

Hey Mom!

We said a big thank you to everyone who donated 
and put their names on a sticky note on Mia's 
hospital room door.
What a great birthday treat to be able to give back
to the hospital that helps save Mia's life every month.