Happy Sunday, each day is getting rougher. We started the morning with fludarabine for 2 hours, just down to one chemo now until full body radiation on Wednesday. We were able to watch church via YouTube live … Mia did her best to get through, bless her heart. She couldn’t eat breakfast … so she had some Ativan and that helped SO much.
She was like a completely different person. She was able to keep some snacks down. She did some schoolwork for finals this week, nothing like getting a bone marrow transplant the week of finals. Only Mia!
We worked on some laps ... the total for today was 6. Hgb 8.5
It's good to keep a record of the laps. It is so important to move even when you don't feel like it.
It was a sleepy, slow, Sunday ... just what we needed. Thank you so much for praying ... even all the people from Sun Valley Community Church who are praying for me. I so appreciate it!
Prayer Requests
- Please keep Maddy the donor in your prayers ... for her to be safe and in good health.
- The team of transplant nurses ... doctors, nurses, fabulous staff members.
- God's got this!
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