Saturday, April 1, 2023

Day + 23 Not a Good Day


This morning was definitely NOT Mia's morning. She woke up with low counts, and on top of that just really wants to go sleep in a 'normal' bed, and go home, and the surgeon has been every morning for 4-5 days going on about taking the Hickman line out, but her counts are too low to even do that. I think that whole thing is getting on her last nerve. At this point she's hoping to get that line out on Tuesday during the already scheduled bone marrow aspiration.

After stopping the filgrastim, which stimulates the white cells that help fight infection, her ANC dropped as expected to 2780 (yesterday 6010) WBC 4 (yesterday 7.2) HGB 7.9 boo (yesterday 8.9) and plts were 10 (yesterday 11.) She was being so brave and such a trooper trying to hold out and not get a transfusion but she felt SO crummy, so she decided to go ahead and get 1 unit of red cells. There were lots of tears but that was the right call. Tears of just get me out of here and just being low like that doesn't help.

After getting 1 unit of red cells she was able to take a lap around the unit so that was great. She couldn't make it even out of bed til 5pm. Better late than never though!

Thank goodness for the nurses chairs around the unit for sitting breaks during walks. 

We are so thankful for these nurses who spur Mia on while doing her laps with music and awesome dance moves!

God knows to bring people into your life when you need them, for example like Traveling Nurse Raegan who after her long shift of 12 hours spent time with Mia and prayed over her. Tears. How awesome is that?! 

Thank you Lord for bringing the most special people into our lives exactly when we need them! 


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