This is surreal, today is the day Mia is admitted. Pinch me! Is this happening??!?!?!
We are so thankful for this absolutely amazing hospital and staff. They are so kind and caring.
You guessed it, more labs to start the day. Mia is taking part of a super cool fitness trial, I believe she's the first one and of course Dr. K. is putting it on, he loves trials ... it is a lot to explain right now ... I'll try to explain more in detail later, but Mia did her first 'test' today and will do it, 30 days after transplant ... a few months after that etc. They are partnering with people who share a lab with doctor K and they work with astronauts, like how astronauts get atrophy from being in space too long, something like that, and how fitness helps in the recovery. So cool, maybe we will write to Elon & Kimbal Musk about this and see if Dr. K. could receive some funding to help with his trial.
Haha, let's go Mia! Of course we did on her surgery day where she couldn't have anything to eat or drink. Ok not the best idea (for next time) but she did great.
One of the exercises was to walk as fast as you can for 6 minutes. She's repping dads college sweatshirt!Mind you, she's getting her lines placed after this, so nothing to eat or drink.
Mia signing consents to do ALL things ... it's crazy that you are an adult at 18. In situations like this they still seem so young. Even being 20 years old, as Mia is.
Prepped and ready for surgery ... getting a Port o Cath placement and a broviac that has 2 lines in it. So now she has 3 central lines which will be great for her nurses and doctors to access easily. A huge thank you to everyone who prayed for her during this today. The actual surgery itself was quite delayed, and took a little longer than usual because something happened with a vein where the catheter wanted to go in a weird direction, so he had to fix that but then everything went great.
Dad went back to see how she was doing, she said she was definitely in pain and just sore ... but pain meds helped take that down, so that's good. They wheeled her up to her room where she will be staying for the next ... month? 6 weeks-ish? We'll see how her body does. She's so brave.
Thanks for being the best dad, DAD! He moved all her stuff up from the car ... it took so many trips but he got it all. After dinner and some Tylenol ... she's doing good. Resting, watching TV.
Thank you so much for praying for this sweet girl! It was definitely a stressful day ... but with the surgery behind her, it'll be good. Tomorrow she will start ATG (it's like a chemo but not technically chemo. I'll probably call it chemo because it's easier.) So we are headed to bed to get ready for that in the morning.
Prayer Request -
- Mia has a prayer request--> for her sister Madison - that she will have a good recovery from donating her
bone marrow. (That will be in March.)
- Mia's surgery site to heal ... and her body does good with all the upcoming meds.
- Always for the doctors, nurses, and team helping her.
- Mom and Dad (to really embrace God being in control.)
You got this Mia! You are so brave and beyond strong. Love you SO much!
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